Should I Repair Or Replace My HVAC System?

Maintaining proper heating and cooling in your home improves energy efficiency. This means less expensive energy bills and ensures you and your family are safe when weathering the changing seasons. Many factors influence the condition of your HVAC system, and you should regularly maintain it for peak performance and longevity.

On average, AC units and furnaces last between 13 to 20 years, but both can last longer with regular maintenance. A complete HVAC system replacement is more expensive than a heating and cooling system repair. Still, it may be necessary, depending on the condition of your HVAC system and the advice of licensed technicians. 

Should you repair or replace your HVAC system? Let’s find out.

9 Common HVAC Repairs

Whenever your home HVAC system is having a problem, the first thing to do is to get it checked by a licensed technician. Never rush to replace your HVAC system without getting a professional opinion. It’s possible that a heating and cooling system repair will resolve the issue.

These are the 9 most common furnace and AC repairs:

  1. Air filter replacement

  2. Thermostat repair

  3. Blown fuses and tripped breakers

  4. Clogged condenser and dirty evaporator coils

  5. Continuously running blower motor

  6. Ignition issues

  7. Mechanical wear and tear

  8. Water leaks

  9. Refrigerant leaks

When You Should Consider Replacing Your HVAC System

No two HVAC systems, even the same model and age, are the same because they don’t function in the same homes. There are several reasons to replace an HVAC system. 

Is it time to replace your furnace or air conditioner? Consider the following:

  • Age: While HVAC systems last on average 13 to 20 years, many experts recommend beginning to save for a new system after ten years. New models have extended warranties, and the components in systems often start to degrade around the 10-year mark. HVAC systems also become less energy-efficient, which means higher utility bills and environmental impact.

  • Reliability: While age is the most significant factor in determining the condition of an HVAC system, other factors may cause your HVAC system to run poorly. New HVAC systems are more reliable because they’re built with newer technology and have a longer warranty.

  • Maintenance: While repairing your HVAC system costs less in the short term, installing or replacing your AC and heating may be a wiser choice. New HVAC systems will increase your home’s value. Consider how long you’ll be living in your home.

  • Comfort: If your HVAC system is on the fritz, it’s more challenging to regulate your home temperature. It may heat or cool your home unevenly, causing additional discomfort. It takes longer to heat your home in the winter and to cool it in the summer.

  • Noise: If you stay awake at night from loud grinding, squealing, or buzzing noises from your AC or furnace, it may be time for it to go. While you should always check to see if it’s repairable, noises can indicate more long-term issues with your HVAC system.

  • Air Quality: A working HVAC system should remove particulates from the air and control your home’s humidity. If you see a lot of contaminants or dust in the air, you should inspect your system. Similarly, check your HVAC system if you smell foul or noxious gas.

Costs to Consider When Repairing or Replacing an HVAC System

It makes sense that costs to repair or install an HVAC system will differ. Let’s look at a more specific example of an HVAC repair service vs. a new installation.

Cleaning your furnace commonly costs between $50 and $300 or more. This depends on your furnace’s current condition, when it was last cleaned, and what parts need to be cleaned. Individual fans must be cleaned, filters checked, and debris must be cleared from parts like the ignitor and flame sensor. Your system will undergo a final check to see if it’s running properly. Cleaning supplies, the time spent by skilled technicians, and travel fees may be part of the bill.

If you replace your HVAC system, these factors will affect the cost:

  • Labor fees

  • The required system size

  • Your home size

  • The unit’s efficiency

  • The length of your air ducts

  • Your home’s age, state, and design

  • The difficulty of removing your old HVAC system

  • The climate and weather

  • The cost of disposing of your old HVAC system

Why You Should Get Your HVAC System Regularly Serviced

AC units and furnaces should be inspected yearly to ensure they’re in good condition. Doing so will avoid high repair costs and early replacement.

Homeowners choose to replace their HVAC system for the following reasons:

  • Improved energy efficiency

  • Prolonged life of their HVAC unit

  • Reduced breakdown frequency

  • Increased comfort and effectiveness

Without regular servicing, you may experience issues too late for a repair at a reasonable cost. Unless an extreme situation occurs, basic heating and cooling system repairs will be all you need for the first ten years.

What to Do When It’s Time to Repair or Replace Your HVAC System

If you believe it is time to repair or replace your HVAC system or need a free second opinion, reach out to the experts at Meldon HVAC.

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